Category: Uncategorized

  • MILLENION quantum programme kick-off

    MILLENION quantum programme kick-off

    MILLENION quantum programme kick-off in Innsbruck, Austria From size to stability, from integration to networking: Millenion-Quantum will tackle the pressing challenges that quantum computers face on their path from the laboratory to industry scale. The successor to the EU Quantum Flagship programme AQTION the MILLENION collaboration combines academic and industrial leaders across Europe to deliver a modular…

  • Developing Rydberg-atom quantum computers

    Developing Rydberg-atom quantum computers

    We are excited to be a partner in the new MUNIQC-Atoms collaboration as part of the Munich Quantum Valley Initiative, which aims at developing and implementing quantum processors based on neutral Rydberg atoms. Our theory group will focus on investigating new tailor-made quantum error correction strategies and exploring the physics of this fascinating emerging physical platform – interested…

  • Brisk Rydberg Ions for Scalable Quantum Processors

    Brisk Rydberg Ions for Scalable Quantum Processors

    We are glad to be part of the new research collaboration BRISQ. Starting in autumn 2022, we will take a novel approach to quantum computing, centred around the only very recently established but highly promising physical platform to host a scalable quantum computer – laser-excited trapped ions in Rydberg states. Interested in more details and joining as…

  • Fundamental thresholds for noisy quantum error correcting circuits

    Understanding the fundamental robustness offered by different quantum error correcting codes is of high practical relevance. In this publication, we explored an intriguing connection between quantum codes and classical statistical mechanics, to map noisy quantum circuits to classical disordered spin models and thereby investigate the fundamental robustness of quantum error correcting codes with noisy circuit components.

  • Crosstalk error suppression for quantum computing with trapped ions

    Crosstalk error suppression for quantum computing with trapped ions

    In ion trap quantum computers, one major source of errors can be crosstalk that unwantedly affects neighbouring qubits. How much does this error is tolerable, and how can it be handled to achieve fault-tolerant quantum error correction? See our recent work in Quantum for the answer!