The Entangled Logical Qubits (ELQ) program aims to advance the state of the science in universal fault-tolerant quantum computing by demonstrating high-fidelity entanglement between error-corrected logical qubits using a modular architecture. This is an essential step towards the realization of UFTQC and its potential to greatly outperform classical computing in solving certain classes of problems, including those of interest to the Intelligence Community (IC), and to the U.S. Government as a whole.

The SuperMOOSE consortium, headed by the Wallraff group (ETH), has the goal to demonstrate error-corrected quantum teleportation between two logical qubits using superconducting qubits. As shown in the figure, the most promising approach constitutes an experimental realisation of a lattice surgery protocol between two surface-code-encoded qubits. Our group supports this effort in creating, analysing and optimising quantum error correction approaches to accomplish high fidelity logical qubit teleportation.